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Home Unusualstore

Abbigliamento a Venafro - Isernia

Conosciamo meglio Salvatore Gaglione

A clothing store in Venafro, Italy, has an oxymoronic mission: to resemble a cozy home and a fantasy land simultaneously. Conceived as a giant display cabinet, the Home Unusual Store was designed with a simple colour palette and ample display space. Designer Luigi Valente opted for stark black walls that contrast with steel structures and neon white lights. Yet, it finds a balance with the resin that covers the floor and left wall. It's a place like home while at the same time a fantasy place that projects the client faraway, Valente says. Each element is used in order to emphasize the objects shown in it. This makes it a unique store that's one-of-a-kind.Venafro is located about 160km outside of Rome.
Visite totali: 2436

Contatta Salvatore Gaglione



Via Corso Campano, 58, 86079, Venafro, Isernia

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